Friday, March 15, 2013

Feeling the flames of life today. My heart feels scorched, but I'm reminded that though the flames  may threaten me, they will not overwhelm me. I am surrounded by the One Who is willing to take on the fires of my life, and, just like the fire ring on our terrace, contain them so they cannot destroy me. I may feel the heat, but He will not let me be destroyed.

Instead He allows me to draw warmth from the embers of trial, as I observe Him intercede on my behalf. Instead of being devastated by trouble, I am enchanted by the beauty of my Father fighting for me (Exodus 14:14) and comforted by the heat fending off the cold of doubt and fear.

Though we may face difficulties in this life, they pale in comparison to the awesome wonder of our God fighting for us and loving us. He gave His Son, withholding nothing in His desire to rescue us. There can be no greater peace than relinquishing my cares to the One Who cares for me enough to sacrifice Himself for His greatest treasure- His children.

So today, as the flicker of aggravation and difficulty threaten to fan into flames of discouragement and frustration, I will stand firm in the knowledge that He has gone before me to prepare my path. I need not worry or doubt, but instead trust Him in gratitude and allow His Spirit to carry me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these words - it is good to be reminded once in awhile.
