This weekend was filled with perfect fall weather, as the temps dropped, and we had a fire burning and frost on the grass in the morning. Love it. Silly me, opted to deep clean the girls play room, however, and enjoyed the weather through the open windows only.
Since I went on laundry folding strike for a few days, I now have 4 baskets of unfolded laundry awaiting my attention, as well as a stack of work that must be done today, since I'm out of my office on appointments tomorrow. In the interest of time, I am re-capping the weekend in bullet points, which is pretty much the way I talk anyway.
- Friday night dinner with Rusty and the girls at Vinnie's, the local Italian restaurant that makes smiley face pizzas for the kids, and is always filled with locals on the way to high school football games. Eating there guarantees seeing a few familiar faces, and yummy leftovers for lunch the next day. Daddy then headed out to his school's game in an adjoining county, which they won, their 6th victory in 5 years. A tough record for this former football coach turned principal husband of mine. The team they beat is tied with the same 5 year track record. Oh, well, a win is a win, and he came home happy.
- Cassidy and I dropped Cailin off at Christian Youth Theater for her Willie Wonka rehearsal, and headed to the fabric store to select fabric. We are making bedside organizers to hold their magazines, journals, and flashlights beside their bed. Cassidy made her own selection, but I got to choose for Cailin (yay!) and opted for a brown zebra print. Love it! Thankfully she does, too.
- Saturday morning Rusty took care of getting Cassidy to riding and Cailin to rehearsal, woohoo! I love my life, and actually enjoy shuttling the girls to their various activities, but it was so nice to have a Saturday morning to myself. I enjoyed a leisurely Bible study, shower, and some chai tea. I then filled two crock pots with the ingredients for fat free veggie soup, for me, and beef stew for everyone else. By the time Rusty returned home with the girls (and a new 50's costume for Cassidy) the soup was simmering, a fire was going in the fireplace, and I was ready to welcome my family home. After lunch, Nana showed up to take the girls on their annual "Nana and Girls Only" trek to the pumpkin patch. Taking advantage of the evening home alone, Rusty and I went on a date to see Fireproof. The message of the movie was great, the popcorn and drinks at $17.50 were not so great!! Am I the only one who thinks that is insane?
- Sunday was filled with church, lunch with friends afterward, a quick nap, and off to deliver Cailin to Junior Cotillion. What a sight to behold... a ballroom filled with nervous 6th, 7th and 8th graders, whispering about who their dance partner might be. So precious, all dressed up and looking suddenly older. Several of the children have known one another since kindergarten, and it struck us mommy's how far we have come. I wish I could have taken pictures, but the mortification would have been her undoing! They started with the foxtrot and introductions, new found dance knowledge she will need to share with her Daddy, since he will be her date for the Holly ball. Fun times, watching my little princess blossom.
- The rest of the weekend was spent wrangling this...
This little thing is sure to be mentioned many, many times as we navigate the puppy waters I had blissfully forgotten, though, so I thought it was time to introduce her. We have had her for one week, and are falling in love with her spunky little personality.
So the weekend was wonderful, but now I must face reality and tackle that pile of laundry!
Happy Monday!
Wow! Your weekend sounds like it was wonderful! I would love to have a fire in my fireplace and frost on the grass. That sounds heavenly! Our weather has been beautiful, too. But we're still running the air conditioner (just not as much).
Sadie is adorable! She looks like a ball of fun. I bet the girls love having a puppy. It's always hard after you lose a dog that you loved so much. You're not replacing Gizmo. Those memories will always be with you and Sadie will create her own special things about her.
I understand what you mean about having a pile of laundry...Oh my goodness, do I have my work cut out for me today!
Happy folding!
So sorry about Gizmo. But look at your little fluffy, peeing and pooping (I'm sure), sweet gift from God. How adorable is that little Sweet Tea (No)Sadie??!!! Now that we have a 2nd dog and he's smaller, I will strive to only have dogs under the 20 pound mark. Of course our golden is nearly 90 pounds and only 2.5 years old. So, we make due with one "main dog" and one "auxiliary dog" to quote Dave Barry. Good job on the veggie soup for you and beef stew for others. That's inspiring for me.
...Speaking of Sweet Tea Sadie...Last night we went out to dinner to a fun little Texas Cafe in our neighborhood. They have the most incredible chicken fried steaks! I've been off of all caffeine for about 2 months now. The thought of having water with my dinner just sounded boring. So I decided that one glass of tea would be fine because it doesn't have as much caffeine as the chemical laden Diet Dr. Peppers that I love and adore.
The waitress came back and said they were out of regular tea and would I mind sweetened? Would I mind? HA! Well, if you're going to twist my arm and give me no other option! (grin!)
I make it a point to stay away from sweet tea because I LOVE IT SO MUCH! But the scales don't love it.
I thought to myself, "one glass won't hurt."
I wish I had my camera with me because my "glass" was a quart sized mason jar! I laughed and blissfully drank every last bit of it! I told Jon and the girls that I was drinking it in honor of you and your new puppy.
Somehow it felt justified! :)
Have a great Tuesday!
Hi, Kelly!! I am so glad you found my blog ... because that led me to yours! :-) I have already added you to my Google Reader.
Oh, "Sweet Tea Sadie" is precious! I had a Shih-Tzu, once upon a time. His name was Tucker; he was gray and white but met an unfortunate early demise. Still hard for me to talk about (13 years later!), so I'm sure it's still too early for you to memorialize Gizmo.
How does Cailin like middle school? Katy loves it ... and all the activities that go along with it! I hope we'll have a chance to join the Fburg campus for another FCS function.
I look forward to reading through your archives ... and to staying in touch with you through your "Feathered Nest". :-)
oh my...that dog is adorable. We puppy-sit for our neighbor during the day and boy am I glad to send that puppy home! They are a lot of work! Lots of fun too! :)
Hello Kelly!
Thanks for visitin'! I love knitting even more that I thought that I would!!! I have enjoyed your blog and will visit again! God bless you!
Sarah T
Sadie is so cute!!! I love her name :)
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