Monday, February 14, 2011


Thankful to be thankful, on this day of love, the Source of true gratitude.

love given and received
pink heart shaped pancakes with chocolate chips
pantry full, and a family to cook for
home full of peace, hard fought for and not taken for granted
rowdy breeze in the trees, spring in the air
hearts turning towards obedience
legs intertwined in sleep, security and assurance in the night
a date with my husband and grandparents to love the girls while we are gone
a house silent on a saturday morning, but for the furnaces constant breathing
music, always


1 comment:

Craig said...

I clicked over from Ann’s today. A little late – but there are so many to read!

My favorite from your thankful list is this one ... hearts turning towards obedience (although the pancakes were close – but a heart that loves God, that obeys because of love, and friendship and wanting to be close to Our Lord – can’t beat that )

honorable mention to the pancakes :)

God Bless and Keep you and your family

Oh, and Happy day after Valentine’s Day.