Tuesday, December 02, 2008


I awakened this morning with a sense of unease, nothing "wrong", just a general sense of not feeling quite right. Usually this is an indication that I have not been spending time in God's Word and am spiritually depleted, and that is the case again today, I believe.
But it is more specific, too. As I was getting ready to wake the girls, I tiptoed down the hall and realized I was in silence and darkness. No fans blowing white noise, no Christmas cd's blaring, no puppy barking (yet!), and it felt so peaceful. All was right for a moment, and in those few seconds I felt restored.

I realized that even the noises I choose to surround myself can become distracting like noisy, clanging symbols, if I am constantly surrounding myself with those and not making time for the still, peaceful voice of the Holy Spirit.
So I am going to choose time with Him today, in silence, and seeking God and nothing else. I need to hear from Him how I need to change my daily life to allow more time for the silence, so that my heart can be filled with His peace.


Kathryn said...

Wonderful discernment and obedience, Kelly. I pray your faithfulness was blessed with a supernatural increase of His love, His peace, and His grace.

Robin said...

I completely understand this, and went to bed last night and just looked at my Bible. I was too tired to read it and realized I was so spent because I wasn't reading it.

So I read. Why is it such an easy habit to break and so hard to form?

Jenny said...

I think that is is so easy this time of year to get wrapped up in the "noise" of the season...Being busy, rushing from one place to another, thinking of a million things you need to do...

You gave me a good reminder today that purposing to be silent is not only a helpful but sometimes necessary to get re-focused so we can hear God.