Tuesday, September 27, 2011

All In

My precious friend Amanda is one of those people who is "all in". Do you know what I mean? She is wholeheartedly a friend, wife, mother, Christian... whatever she does, she does it with all her heart. This can sometimes bring her grief, I think, because she realizes not everyone is who she thinks they are (been there, done that! I so identify with her!), but more often I think it blesses her. I know it blesses those who know her and are encouraged to see how she allows the Lord to guide her and her family. God tells us we are to love Him with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind. What better reminder is there, that we are to love Him and live "all in"?

So today as we were texting, I shared something with her that I often say to my girls, Cailin, in particular.

"You are the best You I know".

As soon as I said it, I realized it is one of those things I say so frequently, and yet don't always hear myself.
God created me to be who I am, always striving to be more like Him, sure, but inherently imperfect. He knew the struggles I would have, and He also provided me with the grace to be free of them in Him.

He wants me to be who I am, not a poor imitation of friends who seem to be so perfect and everything I desire. He wants me to be the best me I can be. It's enough. I don't need to hesitate or hold back, I can be all in, because I am the only one who can be.

So as I was trying to encourage a friend, I was blessed in return. Funny how God works like that.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! I really enjoy reading your blog and then I realized that we have a connection....we too, live in Spotsy, Va...we live in the Chancellorsville area. I am still in the process of creating my own family blog to share but, look forward to reading your posts.


Kelly said...

Suzanne! How amazing is that? We could be neighbors! Such a small world. Sorry I don't have your email address to reply to, but please let me know when you have your blog up!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, Kelly! It was so very nice to get your response...Hubby and I went to Va Beach for a getaway night and I was so pleased to hear from you when we returned. I will let you know when I am up and running.


Unknown said...

Wow! I am so blessed by your words in this post. This morning I have been struggling with some things. I prayed, "Lord, please just encourage me during this time." and I just read THIS!! Your interpretation of ME sure felt like the Lord was loving on me. Thank you for your life giving words.

I love you so much!!! You are one of the biggest encouragers in my life!